Yep, My Elephant Tie


Looking through my ties this morning, this tie caught my eye. I hadn’t wore this tie for probably 12 years. I remember the day I got this, I had a long layover in Hong Kong on my way to Shanghai so I decided to take the ferry over to shop a little. Found this tie on a mannequin in one of the many custom shirt and suit shoppes. Regretfully, I always told myself I would get a few shirts and maybe a suit sometime but never did.. bummer… anyways, just feeling the tie brings back memories of the flight, the ferry ride, great coffee and fresh warm pastries everywhere, the people, everything… wow, maybe it is true that elephants never forget, beginning to think that about this old elephant here.

Take Care,


Thirteen/nineteen AF!!

Love this shirt


Really liking this shirt, the more I look at it the deeper things can be read into it. Or maybe It is just that I want to read something into it. Was born and raised in northern Idaho, then leaving the state entirely for quite a few years, but now living (not sure how long) in the great State of Ada. This design reflects a lot of the makeup of this great state from so many levels (family, personal, political, economics), I cannot wait to get “back in the blue” again.

Much love and respect.


Thirteen/nineteen AF

Hey everyone, meet Bubba!!


So happy for Amanda and Matthew and absolutely cannot wait for this little guy to make his appearance to the world! Becoming a grandfather is going to be awesome. 2019 is going to be a great year!!

Much love and respect.


Thirteen/nineteen AF

Water dogs, finally!!


Super Happy Guy!!


Can’t say why right now but just had to put this out there. I know that this is s BS thing to do, but everyone will find out soon enough. I just can’t keep that good of secret, sorry…

Jax and Olive


They are getting along very well, seem to be helping calm Jax down just a little bit. Starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel, at least with regard to these two knuckleheads…

Cheers to all!


Thirteen/nineteen AF!!

Say hello to Olive


Olive joined the tribe the other day, Jax needed something to help him settle down a little bit and to also reinforce that he is not a human and the alpha leader. She has really adapted well so far and seems to hold her own with him, even getting down in the yard and winning a few rounds of the everlasting wrestling match. Good news is that they both sleep well at night.

Much love and respect.


Thirteen/nineteen AF!

My new look


So got to wear these really cool clothes (yucky) again and climb inside another tube for a few hours… getting pretty good at these “claustrophobic” tests, seems like they come around way too fast lately. Hopefully I can get a handle on what is happening soon, put these tests behind me for a few months and move on with trying to have a somewhat normal existence.. much love and respect… thirteen/nineteen AF!!!

Got me a whammy!


Was able to stop at my favorite burger place in the whole world.. Dicks is still the best around, love the new retro look, but still the same great taste. Awesome!!

My infusion “happy” face


Here is my infusion happy face, although the nurses and staff are great and make the experience the best it can be, it still just really sucks!! Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone, especially those warriors that are fighting the good fight this month! March is for MonSters…